✝️ Unspeakable

Violence by Hamas is on another level

There’s a chill in the air! Take a moment to recognize the blessings of yet another week. With hearts warmed by our faith, we’ve wrapped up the first week of December!

Even so, the world continues in fiery trials. Families are fighting for their right to lovingly adopt children (you have to fight for that?!) while others are recounting unspeakable horrors committed by Hamas.

Why cover it? So we can pray for the world.

  • Gender Identity vs Adoption

  • Unspeakable horrors by Hamas

Gender Identity vs Adoption

Parent and child
Well, slap my back and call me impressed. Did you hear about Jim Banks and his SAFE Home Act?
I did, actually. It's quite a conversation starter among Christians, especially regarding the adoption rights and the well-being of children.
Right? The man's pushing against some heavy winds here, making sure adoption isn't blocked just 'cause some folks believe in biological sex.
True. It's critical we protect children and provide them with stable, loving homes. We must remember, "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction..." (James 1:27)
Banks is riled up over policies that favor certain beliefs over others. Seems like a sticky beehive, doesn't it?
It's a challenging issue. Ultimately, we're called to love and support the vulnerable — to be a reflection of God's love to all, including those in the foster system.
A reflection of love, huh? Sounds like you're saying we ought to act with a bit more grace and whole lot of gumption.
Precisely, offering grace and standing firm in truth. Love can bridge divides and heal, fostering dialogue and understanding. Let's pray we, as a society, find a way to do just that for both the children and families involved.

Unspeakable horrors by Hamas

Held at gunpoint
Just read something tough. Some hard testimony at the UN, people detailing sexual violence by Hamas during a terror attack.
What kind of violence are we talking about here?
It's heavy, beyond belief. They say women were found brutalized, with evidence of sexual assault and mutilation.
That kind of evil... it's unthinkable how anyone could do that to another human being.
I can't shake off one description - a woman was found shot, with nails and objects...inside her. They said her body was mutilated beyond recognition.
That's a darkness that one can’t even fathom. Where's the outcry? Surely the global community is up in arms?
That's the thing - there's been this roaring silence. It's like the world doesn't want to face it.
Silence in the face of such atrocity... It's like they're all turning a blind eye. That's not justice, it's complicity.
Israel's accusing international groups of basically doing nothing. Not addressing the sexual violence, just looking away.
Proverbs 31:8 says, "Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute." We can't be mute or turn away from such pain and suffering.
Netanyahu's saying his heart's broken over the torture stories, begging human rights orgs to step up.
We should all be calling for justice, with the same outrage as if this darkness touched us personally. Because in humanity, it does.

Let me tell you, when you take the time to vote on a post and scribble down your thoughts, you better believe I’m hanging on each and every word!

Whether you’re tossing bouquets or lobbing bricks, doesn’t matter to me. I’m all ears. So keep ‘em coming! ⬇️ 

See you in the next newsletter!