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  • ✝️ Trump pisses off judge, gets slapped with a $10,000 fine

✝️ Trump pisses off judge, gets slapped with a $10,000 fine

Is this the beginning of his downfall?

Morning, friend! This is High on Christ, your go-to email for spiritual perspectives on current events. Joining us today is our mascot. He’s memorizing Scripture right now. Please refrain from distracting him with tasty snacks.

Great news - we’re at 235 active subscribers! It’s been less than a month. Thanks for being one of them 🙏 

Hot off the press:

  • Trump pisses off judge, gets slapped with a $10,000 fine.

  • Manhunt for Maine gunman underway.

  • Religious freedom violated?

Trump pisses off judge, gets slapped with a $10,000 fine.

Donald Trump found himself slapped with a $10,000 fine by Judge Arthur Engoron for allegedly violating a gag order by attacking the judge's law clerk. Trump had posted on social media accusing the clerk of having a relationship with a partisan New York Democrat. Engoron had previously fined Trump $5,000 for not removing this post from his website.

The civil fraud trial relates to accusations of asset misrepresentation by Trump and his family.

Biblical perspective: In light of the ongoing trial, we hold to Proverbs 17:15, "He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord." It is essential that justice is served honestly and impartially. This situation serves as a reminder to all Christians to pray that truth and justice will ultimately align with God’s will.

Manhunt for Maine gunman underway.

Imagine having to lock your doors for the first time ever because a madman ran through your quiet Maine town, shooting up a bowling alley and bar, leaving up to 20 dead and around 50 injured. That's the shocking reality for Lewiston locals after a brutal killing spree sparked the largest manhunt the area’s seen.

The perpetrator? Robert Card.

Card, a trained firearms instructor and in the Army Reserves, reported hearing voices and made threats to shoot up a National Guard Base, but was released from a mental facility this summer.

Biblical perspective: In these trying times, we look to Scripture for strength and solace. Psalm 34:18 reminds us, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." As we grapple with this senseless violence in Lewiston, we lean on our faith, praying for strength, comfort, and divine justice.

Religious freedom violated?

California is violating the U.S. Constitution by enforcing burdensome restrictions on faith-based education in a public charter school program, according to homeschooling parents. Parents claim charter schools are refusing to approve faith-based educational resources selected as part of an "independent study" option. The public school system is seemingly open to any curriculum chosen by parents—unless it carries religious content.

First Liberty, the representative for one of the affected families, asserts that Blue Ridge Academy, a charter school, committed religious discrimination by rejecting a faith-based curriculum—even if it meets state education standards. These anti-religious practices took root despite the Supreme Court ruling laws excluding religious teachings as unconstitutional.

Is fundamental freedom of religion under fire in our schools?

Biblical perspective: The issue reminds us of Proverbs 22:6, reminding us to "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." This underscores the biblical mandate that parents shape their child's education according to their faith, an aspect that falls into jeopardy with such restrictions.

The world is simultaneously a circus, a tragedy, and a spiritual battlefield. Join me while we keep our eyes on Biblical truth, k?

Oh, one last thing. As you can tell, we changed up a few things in today’s edition. Drop a vote on the poll below so we know how we’re doing!

See you in the next newsletter!