✝️ Not Soldiers of Christ

Did King Herod come from Jacob or Esau?

And we’re back! Looks like we have a batch of new subscribers joining in. Twice a week, I’ll slide an email into your inbox. You’ll find some news, some eternal perspectives, and fun trivia.

By the way… which of y’all thought Noah’s ark was built out of Elijah Wood?!

The answer was Gopher Wood 🤣.

Anyways… today we’re covering:

  • Not Soldiers of Christ

  • Bible Trivia - King Herod, descendent of Jacob or Esau?

  • Bible Quiz - Talking donkey

Not Soldiers of Christ

Man, you catch the news outta Atlanta?
Some crazy stuff with a group callin' themselves "Soldiers of Christ."
No, I didn't see it. What’s going on?
They lured this South Korean lady to join them. Ended up beatin' her bad, starvin' her.
Why would they do that to her?!
Said they were tryin' to exorcise some demon. The lady was just tryin' to find God.
That’s messed up.
The founder claims he’s gettin’ orders direct from God.
That’s concerning. Direct revelations can be dangerous without proper understanding of scripture.
No kiddin'. This ain’t no Sunday school class. More like a deadly cult.
How did they even justify their actions?
Twisted some scriptures, said she can't quit their "program." You believe that?
Quit their program?
Exactly. Plus, this poor gal Cho just wanted to get away from them. Police found her starved corpse in a trunk outside a spa.
I don't understand how people get so lost. The Bible is about love, redemption...
Tell me about it. And there're a bunch more groups like this.
This is why biblical literacy and discernment are so important.
You got that right, pal. Folks better stick to the scriptures and not some whacko’s “revelations.”
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. That’s the standard we should follow.
Ain't it the truth.
How’s justice lookin’ for these guys?
Sounds like they're in custody. Seven of them.
Seven! That’s a lot of bad apples in one basket. Gettin' what they deserve, huh?
I hope so. Justice must be done, but I also pray for their souls and the victim’s family. It's a sad situation all around.
Amen to that.

Bible Trivia!

Copper coin of Herod, bearing the legend "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΗΡΩΔΟΥ"

King Herod, who sought to kill baby Jesus, was not ethnically Jewish but was an Idumean, descended from Esau rather than Jacob.

Bible Quiz

Your turn. Let’s see how well you know the Bible!

Hope your new year’s been treating you better than you’re treating those New Year’s gym resolutions!

See you in the next newsletter!