✝️ Is your child’s school keeping secrets?

Think critical - you're voting on the policy.


AI is taking over the world, and if we’re not ready, ChatGPT is gonna rewrite all of our Bibles with emojis against our will.

😇 said, “Let there be 💡”, and there was 💡. 😇 saw the 💡, and saw that it was 👍.

Gen 1:3-4, Emoji Standard Version

If you thought Greek was hard to translate, wait til someone 2000 years from now tries to decipher our emoji text messages. This is a dad bod emoji, right? 🫃

Anyways, here’s what we’re covering today:

  1. Is your child’s school keeping secrets?

  2. The US may step into Israel-Hamas battlefield

And… High on Christ has a mascot?!

1. Is your child’s school keeping secrets?

A California judge has blocked the Chino Valley Unified School District’s policy that required schools to notify parents if their child identified as transgender. The judge ruled it discriminatory and a breach of privacy for LGBTQ+ students. The school district plans to continue the legal battle, asserting the importance of parental involvement in a child's welfare and education.

Biblical perspective: Ephesians 6:4 advises fathers not to provoke their children to anger, but instead, “bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.” The goal is not control, but raising children who seek wisdom and righteousness.

2. The US may step into Israel-Hamas battlefield

The US is ready to intervene in the Israel-Hamas conflict if it escalates into American personnel being purposefully targeted, as per Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. They expressed concerns about possible escalation by Iranian proxies and warned against attempts to widen the conflict. They emphasized the US's right to defend itself and stated they won't hesitate to take necessary action. These statements were issued ahead of Israel's potential ground invasion of Gaza, governed by Hamas, who led an attack that left over 1,400 Israelis dead.

Biblical perspective: In a world where "eye for an eye" seems the ruling doctrine, remember Jesus' blessing for peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). Yet, defending the weak is also Biblical (Psalm 82:3-4). Pray for wisdom for the U.S. and others involved, that they might find paths towards peace without sacrificing justice. Peace isn't passive - it confronts, it disrupts.

High on Christ has a mascot?!

One day, this little friend will be your buddy in a Scripture-memory game. Until then, he’s gonna join us here and grace us with his cuteness.

A closing note. Someone voted “Do better 👎️” and politely suggested some changes. We pondered over it for the weekend, and we’ll aim to improve!

So… help us out. Cast your vote below, and let us know what you liked and what you’d do differently.

See you in the next newsletter!