✝️ Even Satanists?!

"Though Shalt Not Twerk" meets "Praise the Lord!"

Emails on Tuesdays & Thursdays!

Holy Hotspot Alert! Have you caught wind of The Cove? It’s a Christian nightclub in Nashville where “Though Shalt Not Twerk” meets “Praise the Lord!” No booze, no smoke, just holy beats and prayerful treats.

Let’s check out what’s on the docket today!

  • Even Satanists?!

  • Murdered by Teammate

Even Satanists?!

Heard 1/3 of The Chosen viewers aren't Christians? Fascinating.
Really? That's unexpected. What's drawing them in?
Katherine Warnock mentioned its humanity and authenticity. Appeals broadly.
That makes sense. Shows the universal appeal of Jesus's teachings.
Exactly. They aim to introduce the authentic Jesus to all, regardless of background.
Gen Z too? They're typically hard to engage with spiritual topics.
Surprisingly, yes. The show has struck a chord with them. Offers something different.
What about non-believers? How are they reacting?
Remarkably, it's touching lives beyond Christians.
Atheists, Buddhists, even Satanists feel impacted.
Satanists? That's astonishing. Shows the transformative power of Jesus's story.
It does. Warnock mentioned it's helping with depression, suicidal thoughts...
The gospel's power in action, then. "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." Rom 10:17
Indeed. Let's pray this continues to reach and touch hearts globally.
Agreed. May it be a tool for the Holy Spirit, leading many to Christ.

Murdered by Teammate

You hear about the tragedy at Campbellsville University?
No, what happened?
Young Biblical studies major, Josiah Kilman, was strangled to death.
That’s terrible! Who would do such a thing?
His wrestling teammate, Charles Escalera.
Dang… that's a total of 4 campus homicides in just 10 days, nationwide.
It's like violence is everywhere.
But we hold onto hope, knowing justice and peace have the final say.
It's just hard to see God’s plan in such darkness.
College president Joe Hopkins said Josiah boldly shared Christ and lovingly strengthened the faith of those around him.
That’s the kind of light we need more of.
True." In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." Matthew 5:16
That verse fits Josiah perfectly. What a legacy of faith and love.

Trivia time!

Here’s a special one from one of our readers!

Let’s wrap today’s newsletter with a hard-hitting quote:

God's love does not protect us from suffering. God's love protects us in the midst of suffering.’

- Hans Kung

See you in the next newsletter!