✝️ Are Shorts Evil?

Let's talk about shorts & shootings.

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Welcome back, faithful reader! Last time we threw down a holy head-scratcher: Should Christians fly to India and preach the good news even though it’s illegal? A whopping 69% of you decided to be righteous rebels with a “Yes” while 23% play by the law and say “No.” The rest of you wise guys are sitting on the fence.

What’s rocking the newsroom today? Let’s find out!

  • Are Shorts Evil?

  • Shot in the Mouth

  • Poor Joseph

Are Shorts Evil?

Ever heard of Pastor Bobby Leonard? Stirred up a hornet's nest with his sermon.
No, what'd he say?
Said he wouldn't convict a rapist if the victim wore shorts.
Seriously? That's gotta be the dumbest thing I've heard a pastor say!
Right? His old-school views are blinding him.
Being conservative doesn't mean losing compassion or common sense.
This kind of talk drags Christians through mud. Makes us all look bad.
It goes against everything Jesus taught about valuing others.
The pastor apologized later, but the damage's done. Social media's on fire over it.
Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
Hope he starts spreading life with that tongue of his 🙄

Shot in the Mouth

Just heard about Pastor Clemmie Livingston Jr. in Memphis. Shot in the mouth for trying to stop a car theft.
That's horrific! At his own church?
Yep. Outside, protecting a Sunday School teacher's car.
How’s he doing?
Fighting for his life. The community's rallying for him. It’s a real test of faith.
And the shooter?
Still on the loose. But this isn't just about catching a criminal.
His grandson mentioned he was set to preach on “Another Chance.”
Yeah, irony’s bitter. The pastor believes in redemption. Now, he’s a victim of violence.
Makes me think of Romans 12:21. “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”
That’s a fitting scripture.
Despite the darkness, we're called to be light. Faith, hope, and love must anchor us.
Well said. It's about transforming pain into a platform for peace.
Praying for Pastor Livingston and for all impacted by such senseless violence. Let's be agents of change.

Trivia time! Think you know the Bible?

Let’s wrap up with some wise words from Tim Keller:

If you wait until your motives are pure and unselfish before you do something, you will wait forever.

- Tim Keller

See you in the next newsletter!