✝️ A World On Edge

North Korea, South Korea, Iraq, Iran, Russia, Germany


Today is national Appreciate a Dragon Day. But we’re going one step above - we’re appreciating the ultimate Dragon Slayer, Jesus! Check out this neat primer on dragons in the Bible:

What’re we covering today?

  • A World on Edge

  • Bible Trivia - Moses is so humble 🤣 

  • Bible Quiz - Deny Jesus?

A World on Edge

Did you hear? North Korea's Kim Jong Un just called South Korea the "principal enemy."
Whoa, what's going on?
He's ditching his dad's legacy, tearing down a unification arch built in 2001.
An arch for reunification?
Yep, and now he's all about power, not peace. The two Koreas are still technically at war.
That doesn't sound good.
Speaking of not good, Iran's in the mix too. Launched missiles in Iraq & Syria.
Missiles? What for?
Claim they hit an Israeli spy base in Erbil and "anti-Iran" groups in Syria.
Was anyone hurt?
Four civilians killed, six injured in Erbil. The U.S. called the strikes reckless.
The world is on edge…
And Germany's getting ready just in case Russia expands its war.
What for??
Leaked docs say they're gearing up for possible Russian attacks on NATO allies. They're looking at 2024/25 scenarios.
That sounds really serious.
It is. They're taking no chances with Putin after what happened in Ukraine.
Can only pray it doesn't come to that. Proverbs 16:7, "When a man's ways please the LORD, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him."

Bible Trivia!

Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. That means he wrote “Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth” (Numbers 12:3).

Bible Quiz

Your turn. Let’s see how well you know the Bible!

Oh man… what’re we supposed to do if we’re born in the year of the dragon? What if our spirit animal is Toothless?

toothless GIF

Welp until next time. See you in Thursday’s newsletter!